ICMOR 2018

2018 International Conference on Management and Operations Research (ICMOR 2018) was held in Beijing on Jul 7 -9, 2018. Around 80 scholars from USA, UK, Japan, Belgium, Poland, Italy, Romania, Pakistan and China attended the conference. 50 research papers were selected and included in the proceedings and some of them were recommended to and published by Economic Modelling. Besides, Low Carbon Operations Management Workshop was arranged during the conference.

Eight scholars delivered keynote speeches on ICMOR 2018.

Prof. Yanfu LI
Tsinghua University, Scholar of Thousand Talents Plan - Youth Program, China
Prof. Yi DING
Zhejiang University, Scholar of Thousand Talents Plan - Youth Program, China
Prof. Sushanta MALLICK
Queen Mary University of London, Editor in Chief of Economic Modelling, UK
Prof. Roel LEUS
Catholic University of Leuven, Editor of OR Spectrum, Belgium
Prof. Jiaqin YANG
Georgia College & State University, Editor in Chief of International Journal of Electronic Finance, USA
Prof. Zhiyong ZHANG
University of Notre Dame, Editor of Multivariate Behavioral Research, USA
Prof. Masayuki HORIGHCHI
Kanagawa University, Japan
Prof. Xiaoxia HUANG
University of Science and Technology Beijing, China